The Digimon Emperor has been defeated and the world is currently at peace. The Chosen eight are living their teenage days and enjoying their lives. The newer Digidestined take the role as protectors now that they are older however, things are not what they seem. The Digiport is still open and that can only mean one thing...danger.
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Post by Takeru "Tk" Takaishi on Mar 21, 2015 4:57:00 GMT
TK shrugged his shoulders, looking at you. "I've never done this sort of thing before and I doubt Matt could help. You must have some experience with Mimi...right?" He questioned flushing a deeper red.
Post by Takeru "Tk" Takaishi on Mar 21, 2015 5:41:37 GMT
TK had a hard time, keeping eye contact with Izzy at that moment. Sure Izzy was around the same height as Kari but they looked completely different.
"Huh?" The younger blonde looked at the redhead, trying to support both their weight on his elbows. "I-Izzy I d-don't.." Tk started stammering, his face bright red.
Post by Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi on Mar 21, 2015 5:44:51 GMT
Sighs as he knew he was being rejected like Mimi had done to him a few weeks ago when he asked her out, but she said she was with Tai and that was her excuse.
Post by Takeru "Tk" Takaishi on Mar 21, 2015 5:51:45 GMT
*Hears the older boy sigh and bites his lip, wondering what Matt would do. After much thought, T.K looked up at Izzy*
"No your not but what I was going to I..I d-dunno how t-to...thatwasmyfirstkiss." It cascaded from the boys lips, flushing deeply, pulling his hat back over his eyes.
Post by Takeru "Tk" Takaishi on Mar 21, 2015 5:59:39 GMT
*Flushes, glad his hat is covering his eyes. It had never occurred to Tk to watch porn before or even what it meant to be physical but then again he was just starting to realize what love was.*
Post by Takeru "Tk" Takaishi on Mar 21, 2015 6:09:16 GMT
*Tk fell back a bit as the redhead kissed him again. TK's eyes were closed tight, trying to help his friend like his brother Matt would. Feeling something hard against his leg, made TK's eyes pop open in surprise, his own hormones starting to take over. Closing his eyes once more, he kissed the redhead back. This was a Learning experience*
Post by Yamato "Matt" Ishida on Mar 21, 2015 6:20:18 GMT
Opens the door into his mothers apartment carring Chinese food in one hand, figuring his brother be watching Tv right now, until I saw the unthinkable as I entered and dropped the food.
Post by Takeru "Tk" Takaishi on Mar 21, 2015 6:25:08 GMT
*Hears the door open followed by curse words and immediately recognizes the voice. Oh no Matt! TK broke the kiss with Izzy, his face flushed and the hat still covering his cerulean eyes.*
"M-MATT!" he stammered, strangely aware of how half naked he was.
Post by Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi on Mar 21, 2015 6:29:31 GMT
Jumps off of Tk and hit the back of tje couch as I felt beyond embarssed and couldn't believe that it would be his brother waking in. Izzy thought theu where going to be alone tonight