The Digimon Emperor has been defeated and the world is currently at peace. The Chosen eight are living their teenage days and enjoying their lives. The newer Digidestined take the role as protectors now that they are older however, things are not what they seem. The Digiport is still open and that can only mean one thing...danger.
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Digimon belongs to Akiyoshi Hongo & Bandai. The Description of the Digital World comes from This site, skins, and boards belong to moi! Some Graphics created by me unless otherwise referenced. Character Biography template created by Shay Originals belong to their creators unless they're adopted. Please do not steal the graphics!
Not much of a town per se, but Rail Town is a vast grassy area covered in railroad tracks. The tracks are both used for trains and carts propelled by the wind with a sail. After Agumon gets captured by the Digimon Emperor the group heads off to look for him. He escapes on a train and they later travel on one of the carts to chase after Ken. They head south on the tracks and the land goes from grassland to a rocky area with no vegetation. The farther they travel, the more cliffs and mountains appear in the area and the Digi-Egg of Friendship is soon found.
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