The Digimon Emperor has been defeated and the world is currently at peace. The Chosen eight are living their teenage days and enjoying their lives. The newer Digidestined take the role as protectors now that they are older however, things are not what they seem. The Digiport is still open and that can only mean one thing...danger.
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Digimon belongs to Akiyoshi Hongo & Bandai. The Description of the Digital World comes from This site, skins, and boards belong to moi! Some Graphics created by me unless otherwise referenced. Character Biography template created by Shay Originals belong to their creators unless they're adopted. Please do not steal the graphics!
An upside down pyramid, resembling an inverted version of the Great Pyramids of Egypt which served as Etemon's base. Datamon was held captive there. Though it looks ancient on the outside, it is technologically complex inside, and was the center of Etemon's digital network, as well as a large number of advanced science and medical labs. The pyramid has an advanced security systems of camers, lasers, and even force shields. The Pyramid was destroyed by a warp in dimensional space that temporarily sent Tai from the Digital World to Earth. It also holds a secret room, where Datamon was holding Sora and Biyomon hostage.
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